intelligence³ | Our History

Our History / About Miami Consulting Company: intelligence³ “intelligence cubed”

C (Cirilo DeSouza) started his own consulting firm intelligence³ “intelligence cubed”  in Miami Beach in late 1992. After moving from Brazil to Miami in 1991 and seeing and hearing the need for expanded business consulting and technology services, a name change was long overdue. Hence, Intelligence3 was born to “solve” the necessary needs and issues of past, present and future clients. Currently due to increased needs, Intelligence3 employs an additional 3 part-time employees. Cirilo is an author (fiction books), technology guru, business specialist, marketing and communications strategist, experienced business development domestic and overseas, international liaison, political adviser, public speaker and part-time no-profit organization helper.


Intelligence3 is one of the top Miami Internet Marketing companies providing affordable Internet marketing and SEO packages for small to mid-size businesses throughout the United States and Canada. Our goal is to help you convert your website visitors into paying customers and increase profits.

Intelligence3 is located in Miami Beach, Florida (Miami-Dade County); a beautiful, ever-growing tourist city. However, you the client may be located anywhere in the United States, Brazil and Europe. Through the use of modern technology (Skype, FaceTime, etc.), work between us may be conducted without numerous face-to-face meetings.

We highly recommend you maintain at least a minimum of 3 months of ongoing Internet marketing. Reports are emailed to the client within 10 days following the first month of services. One-time optimizations no longer work. It is impossible to say how long it will take for your website to rank HIGH on Google. I would run from any company stating they can “guarantee top placement” in a minimum amount of time.

With over 40 years in the industry, Cirilo DeSouza and the staff of Miami’s Intelligence3 understands and cares about the Internet Marketing and SEO needs of the small and mid-size business owner. “I don’t think you will find another company whose employees eat, sleep, drink and breathe the Internet as much as we do. We love getting our clients to rank on page one of Google, Yahoo, and Bing.”

Why Use Intelligence3 for my Business?
• Our packages have a proven track record of being able to provide extensive, LONG-LASTING SEO results!
• By staying ahead of the curve with ranking algorithm changes, our campaigns are seen as ORGANIC in Google’s eyes.
• We produce fast, multi-tier link building systems to our clients. Hence, you will see results much quicker than your competition.
• We analyze and recommend a list of strong keywords (based on software we utilize) so you don’t have to “guess” what is being searched in your industry.
• Unlike other Internet Marketing firms, all work on Top-Tier links are processed manually! Which means, we do not spin content and we do not utilize automated software.
• We will deliver to you reports that provide any recommended changes so you can outrank your competition.
• Besides your success, Intelligence3, takes customer support to a new level. We know you are placing your business in our hands, and therefore we are available for phone calls, Skype sessions, etc. to discuss your campaign. Our reputation precedes itself and we aim to preserve that.
• We have delivered SEO services to many companies that are able to account for outstanding gains in ROI by applying what I teach them and the services I provide.

Why are your Internet Marketing Packages so expensive?
Intelligence3’ campaigns are carefully constructed and implemented with your business’s marketing needs. We’d be less expensive if we mass produced (cookie cutter) the same campaign for all of our clients. Heck. we’d lose complete control over the quality of your campaign. We could outsource to India or other third-world country (like many SEO companies do), but we’ve been providing custom-tailored campaigns for a very long time and our clients appreciate this part of our business. There are plenty of less expensive SEO companies in the United States, and it’s up to you to decide if the quality of our services justify its expense.

Why are your Internet Marketing Packages so affordable? (Sorry, I don’t like the word “cheap”.)
Now that you know what goes into our campaigns, you may be wondering why they aren’t more expensive. First, we sell exclusively to the end user, so there is no markup. Second, we are not a huge conglomerate with board members, vice presidents, and an HR department, nor are we a publicly traded company. We are the epitome of human-scale capitalism: we provide outstanding services and sell it to people.


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